Yvonne Mokihana Calizar

This newest medicine story rides on the backbone of Pale's kin and the Triology from The Safety Pin Café. Read the episodes as I write them. And, if you have followed the story when it started that day only a duck could love see how the story continues to pin itself to what you need.

Yvonne Mokihana Calizar

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Unless you read palms you'd never have noticed the star. Dani did read palms. She didn't start out thinking "Palm reader! That is what I want to do for the rest of my life." What she did do from the time she could focus her bright golden brown eyes is notice things. Watchful. She is watchful. Daniella's step-father Alexander Santiago was the first to coin her 'watchful' but by then she was sixteen and he was the first wizard to meet her and would be her loyal accomplice on a most unusual path to becoming a palm reader.

Her favorite camera hung from its strap behind her neck, the parade route was a simple one: starting at the top of the usually busy waterfront, queens costumed on foot, or on wheels cruised the shop lined avenue, waved to the crowds of supporters and jeerers. Gay Grays, including some of Island County's finest bakers handed miniature Sweetie Pies from their sidecars, on horse-back the Gilded Lily dared to taunt the rules for a family friendly event with a body suit that defined all the territory. Rainbow t-shirts walked along side the clerk who rang up your chips and deli sandwich, the local naturopath smiled easily from her gauze skirt and tattoos arm in arm with the writer who had donned a pink wig for the occasion. The photographer laughed out loud as she snapped the progression which had smartly spaced the high-pacing Lily well behind the dispensing pie-makers. If she was lucky the boys would have pie left over by the time the parade ended. Dani loved those coconut macaroon tarts.

Finally she spotted her sister. Dressed as she dressed day in and out Olivia DeSilva wore her shoulder length hair loose and topped with a baseball cap. Her t-shirt was silver with white lettering TOM BOY, her cap was black and her jeans were clean, and pressed with creases. Through the crowd Dani whistled, the sunglassed head of near silver blonde hair turned in her direction. Without words Olivia blew her sister a kiss and held out her left palm in a full wave. Click. Click. It was later, when Dani emerged from the dark room that she found the star.

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